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Erythroblastosis fetalis

Hemolytic Disease…Erythroblastosis Fetalis

Erythroblastosis Fetalis also known Hemolytic disease of the new born or immune Hydrops Fetalis is a disease in the fetus or new born caused by trans-placental  transmission of maternal and fetal blood group incompatibility .
Rh incompatibility may develop when a woman with Rh negative blood conceives a fetus with Rh Positive blood by a man with Rh positive blood.

RBC from the fetus leaks across the placenta and enter the woman's circulation throughout pregnancy with greatest transfer occurring at delivery. This transfer stimulates maternal antibody production against the Rh Factor, which is called isoimmunization .In succeeding pregnancies, the antibodies reach the fetus via placenta and destroy (lyse) the fetal RBC's .The resulting anemia may be so profound that the fetus may die in utero. Reacting to the anemia, the fetal bone marrow may release immature RBC's or erythroblasts into the fetal peripheral circulation causing Erythroblastosis Fetalis . Maternal - fetal incompatibilities of ABO blood types leading to Neonatal Erythroblastosis are less severe and less common than those of the Rh Factor.

The antibodies cause the baby's red blood cells to be destroyed and baby develops anemia .The baby's body tries to compensate for anemia by releasing immature red blood cells. The over production of erythroblasts can cause the liver and spleen to become enlarge potentially causing liver damage or ruptured spleen .Since the blood lacks clotting factors, excessive bleeding can be complication .

Erythroblastosis is a very serious condition for approx 4000 babies die annually. In about 15% of cases,the baby is severely affected and dies before birth.
Babies who survive pregnancy may develop Kernicterus, leading to deafness speech problems,cerebral palsy or mental retardation. Extended Hydrops Fetalis can inhibit lung growth and contribute to heart failure. These serious complications are life threatening but with good medical treatment the fatality rate is very low.


Written by
Kausar Khan


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